“I was deeply touched by the event [and] moved by the elders…We have so much to learn from their vast experiences and stories.”
— Audience member, Stone Ridge concert
“Yesterday’s SageArts concert was extraordinary, so profoundly touching. It was like a constant embrace.”
— Joanie Miller
“It was sweet and satisfying to be part of the gathering Sunday afternoon, partaking of soulful performances, much heartfelt sharing, and a sense of committed community doing something truly uplifting in the service of real citizenship.”
— Robert Esformes
“I thought it was incredibly moving to see and hear the connection between the musicians and the elders. Perhaps because artists are less conventionally judgmental, and perhaps because the elders were encouraged to throw caution to the wind, the compositions were surprising, fresh, and invigorating for all of us. I was truly inspired!”
— Maria Redielbach
“Last night’s SageArts concert was truly amazing for many reasons. This was the community getting together to honor our elders in a very public way. The elders stepped into the middle of our circle to share their lives, loves, and thoughts, and we were blessed by their presence.”
— Susan Rosen
“When Pauline Delson rehearsed with the Youth Company, something clicked. They really understood the valuable connection that was immediately felt between the generations. It was such a meaningful project for them to help facilitate. When the young can learn to share the best of themselves with the elder generation, an important gap is bridged.”
— Livia Vanaver
“The SageArts event was heartwarming and fun. I so appreciated the richness and liveliness of the elders, and the depth and poignancy of the messages that came from their life stories. We all have so much to learn from each other.”